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Smaakmakers De hoofdpersonen in dit boek zijn zes Amsterdamse stadslandbouwers die hun ziel en zaligheid leggen in buurtmoestuinen en voedselprojecten in de openbare ruimte. Smaakmakers is een boek dat helemaal in de filosofie van lokale transitie past. Meer info: http://smaakmakers.me/
a practical guide to self-reliance 1999, 564 pagina’s. For anyone who wants to become more self-reliant, from suburbanites with 1/4 of an acre to country homesteaders with several. The information is easily understood and readily applicable.More than 150 of Storey’s expert authors in gardening, building, animal raising, and homesteading share their specialized knowledge and experience in this ultimate guide to living a more independent, satisfying life. 62 recensies (sept 2010)
Stuffed and starved: markets, power and the hidden batlle for the world food system Raj Patel (2007) website/weblog Stuffed and Starved
Diet for a dead planet: big business and the coming food crisis Christopher D. Cook (2006) Samenvatting door The New Press
De feiten over biopiraterij Vandana Shiva(2004) Google book Samenvatting door juridisch boek.nl website Navdanya Navdanya started as a  program of the Research Foundation for science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE), a participatory research initiative founded by world-renowned scientist and environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva, to provide direction and support to environmental activism.
Duistere machten, Jan-Paul Smit Subtitel: Cargill en andere agro-concerns bedreigen de boeren, de wereld, ons eten Samenvatting
Hungry corporations, Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher (2003) Google book Een korte Nederlandstalige samenvatting door Greet Goverde Een korte en lange Engelstalige samenvatting, ook door Greet Goverde
Eating fossil fuels: oil, food and the coming crisis in agriculture, Dale Allen Pfeiffer (2006) Samenvatting door New Society Publishers
Peak phosporous: quoted reserves versus production history, The oil drum


The atlas of food: who eats what, where and why Erik Millstone en Tim Lang (2008) samenvatting door University of California Press website STEPS centre
World agriculture and the environment: a commodity-by-commodity guide to impacts and practices Jason Clay (2004) Google book Samenvatting door Clay zelf Samenvatting door Island Press
Shattering: food politics and the loss of genetic diversity Cary Fowler en Pat Mooney (1990) Samenvatting door Ecobooks
Agri-culture: reconnecting people, land and nature Jules N. Pretty (2002) website Jules N. Pretty: sustainable agriculture and food samenvatting door Powell’s books