– Boeken –
Nourishing traditions: the cookbook that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats, Sally Fallon en Mary Enig
The pH miracle: balance your diet, reclaim your health, Robert O. Young en Shalley RedfourdYoung
The metabolic typing diet, William Wolcott en Trish Fahey
The permaculture book of ferment and human nutrition, Bill Mollison
Eetbare wilde planten, Richard Maybe
The paleo diet: lose weight and get healthy by eating the food you were designed to eat, Loren Cordain
Preserving food without freezing or canning: Traditional techniques using salt, oil, sugar, alcohol, vinegar, drying, colad storage and lactic fermentation, The gardenere sand farmers of Terra Vivante
Build your own underground root cellar, Phyllis Hobson
How to store your garden produce: the key to self-sufficiency, Piers Warren
The atlas of health: mapping the challenges and causes of disease, Diarmuid
Groot handboek geneeskrachtige kruiden, Geert Verhelst