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The web of debt: shocking truth about our money system and how we can break free, Ellen Hodgson Brown,Reed Simpson: http://www.webofdebt.com/, 4e editie, maart 2010

Voor hetzelfde geld. Hoe geld de wereld stuurt en welke alternatieven er zijn, Henk van Arkel en Guus Peterse

Short-circuit: strengthening local economies for security in an unstable world, Richard Douthwaite

The growth illusion, Richard Douthwaite

Interest and inflation free money, Margrit Kennedy

The money changers: currency reform from Aristotle to e-cash, David Boyle

Money: understanding and creating alternatives to legal tender, Thomas H. Greco Jr.

Market Schmarket: building the post-capitalist econmomy, Molly Scott Cato

The case against the global economy: and for a turn toward the local, Jerry Mander

The future of money: creating new wealth, work and a wiser world, Bernard Lietaer

The post-corporate world: life after capitalism, David C. Korten

The case against the global economy: and for a turn toward the local, Jerry Mander

Small is beautiful, E. F. Schumacher

The state of the world atlas, Dan Smith

Nederlandse editie living planet report 2008: onze voetafdruk nader bekeken, Wereld Natuur Fonds